Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's my turn!!

 People confuse sacrifice with "using".  If I make a sacrifice to do something, it's because at some point I seek to gain something in return. That's human nature.  If you expect for me to sacrifice my time, energy, or money please understand this is only a short-term thing.  I do things because I can see the "bigger" picture and because I know my steps are ordered.  My success was not given, it was earned!  I absolutely love it when people make the assumption "you got it made".  I use to get upset, argue and try to convince them of how "hard" it is.  I now take an different approach and simply tell them how "easy" God is.  Throughout my struggles, I have found continuous, renewed strength through positive energy that only gets stronger daily.  I will not be used and will speak my mind with all honestly when warranted.  "It's my turn" to reap the benefits of my sacrifices.  It is so important for women, especially young women to "know your worth, accept nothing less, and don't let anyone tell you that you are worth less (worthless)."  After making those countless sacrifices, don't forget to stand up and say "it's my turn!"  (You're worth it!! )